Doublef さん - Title: Stopped updating?
Just encountered this blog. The posts here are truly inspiring but the latest one was posted more than a year ago. Did you stop writing? Would definitely be a huge pity for all the readers here.
[Reply]Thanks for visiting. From technology point of view, this Guest Book is very old-fashioned. So latest articles are usually published in the real blog (
[Reply]Of course, it also has been quite a while since the Blog was updated the last time, this is because that there have been quite some things happening in my life, and I have not got the time and/or mode to write new posts...
No.339 - 2014-12-19 19:48:03
西界JJ さん - Title: no title
今天看到了您的网站,觉得受益匪浅啊!我马上就要去日本进行一年的 交换生学习了。将来如果可以,想要在日本考研。以后有问题的话,可 以向您请教么?
No.338 - 2014-12-19 19:47:17
王亚楠 さん - Title: no title
这几天没来上班,家里面有些事情,间隔了好几天 才能答谢您,有些 过意不去, 恩,您说的有道理,电脑对于企业来说还是 主要的平台,还有就 自己 不应该想 一些 太空泛的东西,只是 有时候 自己不由自主的想,可能习惯了吧,慢慢的改 吧,多谢 您的 回复,谢谢!
我的具体做法是:对强力的、有生命力的、相对稳定不变的和有些技术门槛的语言或技术彻底弄通,再学某些业务知识,这样,就不用时刻追在最新技术的屁股后疲于奔命了。我会的技术中的核心是C Plus Plus (STL)、Java和算法等。这些学好了,其他语言在需要时也看看就能用了。我主要学的业务知识是数学和金融。